Environmentally-responsible very high fidelity


2022 marks Neodio’s twentieth anniversary. My first thought is for our customers who have supported us and enabled us to design 30 products, which have won 36 national and international awards. Thanks to them, we have been able to proudly manufacture thousands of products in France. My sincere thanks to you all, particularly those who regularly share their joys and discoveries with me.

My passion for sound quality that is as close to reality as possible remains unchanged. It has allowed me to devote a large part of the past twenty years to one goal: understanding the physical mechanisms and explaining the anomalies observed in High-Fidelity, so as to be able to improve sound quality in the long term.

These include the sound of cables, the lack of correlation between measurements and the listening experience, and the instability of sound quality: these are phenomena with which many music lovers are familiar. The desire to understand and move beyond empiricism is what makes Neodio different from other companies. We have carried out more than a thousand experiments to determine the nature of these phenomena. The results of this research have been regularly integrated into Neodio’s products since 2002.

In 2017, an experiment made me realise that water molecules, naturally present in our environment, are probably the cause of all these anomalies. It took me five years to learn how to interact with how this molecule’s behaviour. The Origine B2 acoustic purifier is the fruit of this work, which required starting from a blank page, without the influences of existing knowledge. Today, the effectiveness of the Origine B2 is such that the supposed limitations of equipment are greatly reduced. The music gains in naturalness and beauty: an edifying experience that I invite you to share.
We will be deploying this technical progress in other products.

As someone in the world of manufacturing, I am very aware of the excesses of our consumer society. What can be done to reduce the environmental impact of Hi-Fi products? Is a love of music compatible with rational consumption, a kind of happy sobriety? That products are made in France and in a sustainable fashion are part of Neodio’s founding principles. Already committed to resource efficiency and reducing our carbon footprint, I wanted Neodio to contribute further to the 2030 agenda. Inspired by these eco-responsible values, I created the Blue Program.

Now, more than ever, Neodio enables music lovers to experience the joy of listening to exceptionally faithful reproductions of artists’ works.

Stéphane Even
Founder and CEO

“Dear music lovers, if you are curious and if this presentation has echoed your own experience, we invite you to discover our solutions.” Stéphane Even

« Cette notion de vérité souvent promise, rarement prodiguée, ici tenue » Vincent Cousin Diapason

« Ce dispositif est réellement efficace et apporte une amélioration globale à la reproduction sonore de tous nos systèmes de façon clairement convaincante » Laurent Thorin, Vumètre

« L’apport de ces Origine B2 est tout sauf anodin. Les essayer chez soi devrait suffire à s’en convaincre » Vincent Cousin, Diapason

Improve your loudspeakers whitout changing them !

since 2002

Over 40 awards

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